Welcome to my webpage!
I'm the André Hoffmann Chair in Trade and Development, an Associate Professor in Economics at the Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID) and a CEPR Affiliate in the Trade (ITRE) and Development (DEV) Programmes.
I do research at the intersection between development, international trade and industrial organization. I study microeconomic aspects of firm behavior and interfirm relationships in developing countries.
I am one of the organizers of the Geneva Trade and Development Workshop. Info here: www.gtdw.ch
Julia Cajal Grossi
Working Papers
Searching for Trade Partners in Developing Countries
Under review
Published and Forthcoming
Buyers’ Sourcing Strategies and Suppliers’ Markups in Bangladeshi Garments
joint with Rocco Macchiavello and Guillermo Noguera
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 138 (4): 2391–2450. 2023.
Supply Chain Disruptions and Sourcing Strategies
joint with Davide del Prete and Rocco Macchiavello
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 90. September 2023.
Global Value Chains in Developing Countries: A Relational Perspective from Coffee and Garments
joint with Laura Boudreau and Rocco Macchiavello
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 37 (3): 59-86. 2023.
Selected Work in Progress
Workers in Space: Evidence from Urban Bangladesh
joint with Gabriel Kreindler
Relationships and Responsibility
joint with Laura Boudreau and Rocco Macchiavello
Limits to Upgrading for Small Firms in Uganda
joint with Jonathan Morduch, Lore Vandewalle and Chris Woodruff
Office hours - Please book a slot here: https://juliacajalgrossi.youcanbook.me/
Current courses
Spring - Doctoral Seminar on Empirical Trade and IO (PhD, IHEID)
Fall - Econometrics I (MSc, IHEID)
Fall - Trade and Development (MSc, IHEID)
I am one of the organizers of the Geneva Trade and Development Workshop (GTDW) - www.gtdw.ch
I am a member of the Research Network on Sustainable Global Supply Chain - www.sustainablesupplychains.org
Center for Finance and Development - CFD
Centre for Trade and Economic Integration - CTEI
Schedule of the Econ Department Seminar Series here